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There's some getting used to with the movement but I really like the game and the idea!

Maybe a second sunflower that's controlled with the arrow keys would be cool (maybe even as local multiplayer so two scores to compete against each other?)

I really liked the music, the perspective pf the scene is really cool and the animation of the flower when its on a bright spot is really neat!

Glad you liked the game! Thanks for the idea, definitely it will be cool to make it two sunflowers :D Looking forward to add this concept to our game ^^


Managed to score 9400 :D

The game's quite charming and fits the theme to a T. The movement can be weird at first with the isometric but it's easy to get used to.

Good job!

Thanks, I think you have the highest score (for now :)).


Neat! It feels good to stand in the sun. 

My high score is 7700, beat that!

Thank you! My highest score is 8900 so far :D Good job!


Such a cool idea for the jam. Love it

Thank you so much!